Another thought I had would be just being able to replace the /
users/:user_id with /profile

then there could be /profile/journals/2 or whatever... but profile
would be somehow mapped to the users controller passing the @user as
it's default id... am I heading in any form of a sane direction?

On Sep 29, 1:32 am, "Tim K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ramon - Fetching the current_user in the Journals controller doesn't
> solve the issue, unless I'm misunderstanding you. The current_user is
> set to in instance variable called @user so would be equal
> to :user_id within the route. When I call @journals I'm using the
> relationship to grab the journals suchas @journals = @user.journal.
> The question is really about the routing not about getting the user_id
> in question. I'm trying to take advantage of the restful routes such
> as user_journals_path and all that but without the need to have /
> users/:user_id in the url.
> Does anyone have any experience in doing something like this?
> On Sep 29, 1:00 am, "Ramon Miguel M. Tayag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I've never done this but I'll give my 2 cents anyway:
> > 1) With nested routes, you are always still looking for the user - you
> > fetch it in the Journals controller and that's where you can evaluate
> > it.  What you can do is fetch the current_user unless the current_user
> > is an admin or whatever
> > 2) About the routes I'd like to know that... if you always fetch the
> > current_user it would be possible since you don't pass the user_id in
> > the URL anymore, but admins and such wouldn't be able to see another's
> > journal.
> > Ramon Tayag
> > On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 12:45 PM, Tim K. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > So I'm using nested routes for a users model that has measurements and
> > > journals... like this:
> > > map.resources :users do |users|
> > >  users.resources :journals
> > >  users.resources :measurements
> > > end
> > > This of course builds routes as something like:
> > > /user/:user_id/journals/:id
> > > /user/:user_id/measurements/:id
> > > In the case of this application the logged in user is only going to be
> > > accessing his or her own resources (journals and measurements). So my
> > > question is:  What is the proper way to accommodate that in routing so
> > > that /user/:user_id isn't necessary and just going to /journals or /
> > > journals/:id would ensure that I'm going to the the currently logged
> > > in user's journals or measurements? And in turn, what would be the
> > > best way of making sure that users can't type /journal/:id and see
> > > another users record once that :user_id was trimmed off (they should
> > > only be able to see their own).
> > > Thoughts? I greatly appreciate it.
> > > Thanks.
> > > Tim K.
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