On Oct 10, 4:12 pm, ressister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have one last remaining problem to solve before I'm code complete on
> an application I've been working on for a few months, and I need your
> help.
> I have a page that contains a list of entries and a form at the top
> that uses form_remote_tag to allow users to add new entries via AJAX.
> When the user submits the form, the list of entries is updated from
> the controller using render :update and the same partial that was used
> to initially render the page.  The entries in the list are draggable,
> at least they are BEFORE the entry list is updated as a result of AJAX
> call.
> After the AJAX call is complete, the list entries are no longer
> draggable.  I am using jQuery and Prototype, jQuery for the drag and
> drop.  The javascript drag and drop code is in my application.js
> file.  If i move the javascript in-line into the partial that
> generates the list of entries, after a form submit, the entries are
> still draggable, but that has its own set of problems and i don't want
> to do that.
> Why would the drag and drop no longer work after the AJAX call when
> I'm using the same partial that was used to render the page when all
> the drag and drop javascript is in the application.js?

Presumably when you load the page the first time round, some sort of
initialisation occurs that marks the elements as draggable (ie
installs various event handlers and what not).
When you replace the list, you would need to do that initialisation on
the new dom elements.

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