Thanks Fred, here's what I got...

My application.js file looks like this (below is the drag and drop

                helper: 'clone',
                revert: true});
                accept: ".block",
                tolerance: "pointer",
                activeClass: 'droppable-active',
                hoverClass: 'droppable-hover',
                drop: function(ev, ui) {
                        var entryID = 
                        var dropCategoryID =
                        var origCategoryID = jQuery('#current_category_' +
                        var categoryColor = 
                        var dropCatCount = jQuery('#category_' + dropCategoryID 
+ '
                        var origCatCount = jQuery('#category_' + origCategoryID 
+ '
                        if (dropCategoryID != origCategoryID) {
                                if (origCategoryID == 'none') {
                                        jQuery('#category_' + dropCategoryID + '
                                else {
                                        jQuery('#category_' + dropCategoryID + '
                                        jQuery('#category_' + origCategoryID + '
                                        jQuery('#current_category_' +
                                        /* you need to update the 
origCategoryID */
                        /* this deals with FireFox */
                        var testHex = /[\#]/.test(categoryColor)
                        if (testHex == false) {
                                categoryColor = RGBToHex(categoryColor);
                        jQuery('#entry_cat_' + entryID).css("background-color",
                          data: { authenticity_token : AUTH_TOKEN }
                          type: "POST",
                          url: ("entries/entry_categorize?entry=" + entryID + 
+ dropCategoryID),
                          dataType: "script"

In my view, my form_remote_tag code looks like this...

        <% form_remote_tag(:url => {:id =>},
                                                                :html => {:name 
=> 'new_entry_form'},
                                                                :update => 
                                                                :complete => 
                                                                ) do %>

I tried wrapping the drag and drop code that i pasted above which
lives in application.js inside a function named initiateDragDrop, but
as I said, my javascript isn't strong, so I'm not sure that I did it
correctly.  I then added ":success => "initiateDragDrop()" to my
form_remote_tag expecting that the drag and drop would work after I
posted the form, but it didn't.

What am i doing wrong?


On Oct 10, 12:25 pm, Frederick Cheung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Oct 10, 4:34 pm, ressister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Good point.  Right now, the jQuery drag and drop javascript code is
> > not inside a function in application.js.  I'm not all that experienced
> > with Javascript.  Would i need to wrap the drag and drop code inside a
> > function that's called when the partial is displayed to re-initialize
> > the event handlers etc?  
> Something like that. Exactly what goes where is likely to depend on
> what your drag and drop code looks like.> Can you give me an example of how 
> to do
> > that?  I'm happy to post my drag-and-drop javascript code if that will
> > help.
> form_remote_tag etc... take a bunch of options, in particular :success
> is a javascript fragment that is evaluated when the ajax call has
> succeeded. In this case it should probably do whatever initialization
> you need to make things work
> Fred
> > Thanks Fred,
> > -A
> > On Oct 10, 11:19 am, Frederick Cheung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > On Oct 10, 4:12 pm, ressister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi there,
> > > > I have one last remaining problem to solve before I'm code complete on
> > > > an application I've been working on for a few months, and I need your
> > > > help.
> > > > I have a page that contains a list of entries and a form at the top
> > > > that uses form_remote_tag to allow users to add new entries via AJAX.
> > > > When the user submits the form, the list of entries is updated from
> > > > the controller using render :update and the same partial that was used
> > > > to initially render the page.  The entries in the list are draggable,
> > > > at least they are BEFORE the entry list is updated as a result of AJAX
> > > > call.
> > > > After the AJAX call is complete, the list entries are no longer
> > > > draggable.  I am using jQuery and Prototype, jQuery for the drag and
> > > > drop.  The javascript drag and drop code is in my application.js
> > > > file.  If i move the javascript in-line into the partial that
> > > > generates the list of entries, after a form submit, the entries are
> > > > still draggable, but that has its own set of problems and i don't want
> > > > to do that.
> > > > Why would the drag and drop no longer work after the AJAX call when
> > > > I'm using the same partial that was used to render the page when all
> > > > the drag and drop javascript is in the application.js?
> > > Presumably when you load the page the first time round, some sort of
> > > initialisation occurs that marks the elements as draggable (ie
> > > installs various event handlers and what not).
> > > When you replace the list, you would need to do that initialisation on
> > > the new dom elements.
> > > Fred
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