On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 4:30 AM, Frederick Cheung <

> 2. the user presses the "back" button and goes to a public page
>> The data in this case is not sensitive, but because Rails forms use
>> authenticity tokens that are tied to the session, the session becomes
>> invalidated after logging out. If the user presses the back button and
>> then clicks "log out" again, an InvalidAuthenticityToken error is
>> thrown; I'd really rather not show a 500 error page if this happens.
>> Any ideas how to avoid it? (Is it a bug in rails if there's no way to
>> avoid this?)
>>  You should be able to rescue that exception (see rescue_from etc...)
> Fred

Fred, thanks for responding - I'm not sure if I can, because the exception
is generated and thrown in the framework before it even gets to the
controller. Where would I rescue from?


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