On 5 January 2012 02:53, Daisy Di <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> i have two table, comment and post, both have composite keys, and no id
> column, comment belongs to post, i follow the instruction of
> http://compositekeys.rubyforge.org/, and it seems successfully,
> (But i still cant confirm to put require 'rubygems' and
> require 'composite_primary_keys' on which file ).
> I can do the CRUD operation for post,then i want to create comment form,
> in the _form.html.erb, the code likes below:
> <%= form_for([@post, @post.comments.build]) do |f| %>
> then i got an error,"unknown attribute: comment_id",
> i think the build method need the parameter id which is default, but i
> dont have this column,and i cant change any thing in the database,how to
> resolve this problem?Thanks .

A way to resolve the problem is to stick to the rails conventions for
id columns and so on.  That is the best way unless you have a legacy
database and *really* cannot change the schema.


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