On 20 January 2012 09:52, Santosh Kumar Mohanty
<sant...@railsfactory.org> wrote:
>   Here is the executed code for time
> irb(main):001:0> t=Time.now
> => Fri Jan 20 14:47:46 +0530 2012
> irb(main):002:0> t=t.to_s
> => "Fri Jan 20 14:47:46 +0530 2012"
> irb(main):003:0> t.split(" ")
> => ["Fri", "Jan", "20", "14:47:46", "+0530", "2012"]
> irb(main):004:0> t.split(" ")[3]
> => "14:47:46"

So you've added a ".to_s" that you didn't mention before... ;-)

But wouldn't it be easier to do :

But either way, you're not addressing the OP, as that was regarding
turning String into Time, not Time to String.

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