On 30 January 2012 20:54, Raminder G. <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> My model association is as follows:
> #book model
> class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
> has_many :recommendations, :dependent => :destroy
> has_many :similars, :through => :recommendations, :conditions =>
> ['recommendation_type IS NULL'], :order => 'recommendations.created_at
> #recommendation model
> class Recommendation < ActiveRecord::Base
> belongs_to :book
> #Books_controller -  injecting the recommendation_id
> @book_similars = Book.similars
> @book_similars.each do |similar|
>  @rec_id = Recommendation.where(:book_id=>similar.id,
> :recommendation_type=>'S').select('id').first.id
>  similar << {:rec_id => @rec_id}
>  # ^-- Above line gives NoMethodError (undefined method `<<' for
> #<Book:0x10de1f40>):
> end
> So as noted above, A book has many similars through recommendations. My
> requirement is that while retrieving similars, I would also like to
> include the id of the corresponding record in the join table
> recommendations.
> My questions are:
> How can I include the field *recommendation_id* alongwith similars?

You have not told us whether recomendation has_many similars or
belongs_to similar.  The answer depends on that I think.  Your
question may only make sense one way round but I would like


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