Thanks, you don't declare the restful routes in your controller
though, right?  The error that I'm getting specifies that there is no
'show' action like this:

       No route matches {:controller=>"users", :action=>"users/1"}

So it's looking for a 'users/1' action but of course it's not going to
find it in the controller.

On Feb 6, 5:02 am, Peter Vandenabeele <> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:16 AM, edward michaels <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm trying to test that my users show page renders.  The resource has
> > the route /users/:id
> > How would I code that for an Rspec test?  So far I've tried these four
> > ways:
> > it "should have a users show path" do
> >  get user_path(:action => 'show')
> > end
> > it "should have a users show path" do
> >  get user_show_path
> > end
> > it "should have a users show path" do
> >  get user_path(:id => '1')
> > end
> This variant worked on my side:
> ../spec/requests$ vim orders_spec.rb
> describe "Orders" do
> ...
>    describe "GET /order/id" do
>     it "routes to a show order" do
>       get order_path(:id => "abc123")
>       response.status.should be(200)
>     end
>   end
> Passes when that order is in the test db and fails with
> ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound when I change
> the id to a non-present value, so that seems correct.
> I have the record in the test db at the time of executing
> this test.
> But I keep getting a RoutingError from Rspec even though it renders ok
> > when I just go to the page.  So how would I spec it?  Thanks
> Maybe just try to log the result of
>  user_path(:id => '1')
>  user_path(:id => 1)
> in your controller, to see what it gives there?
> In the controller under test I added:
>   Rails.logger.debug order_path(:id => 'adsfadf1')
> and this yields in the log:
>   /orders/adsfadf1
> Do the standard request tests that are built by rspec-rails
> in the spec/requests/ directory upon `rails g scaffold` function
> correctly?
> HTH,
> Peter

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