On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 4:14 AM, Dave Castellano <li...@ruby-forum.com>wrote:

> Can't figure out how duplicate routes are differentiated by rails  ...
> Read routing from inside out and API as well as a few tutorials but
> still don't get it!!!  For example...
> routes.rb
>   resources :minisections do
>      resources :questions
>    end
> rake routes:
> minisection_question GET
> /minisections/:minisection_id/questions/:id(.:format)
> questions#show
>                                  PUT
> /minisections/:minisection_id/questions/:id(.:format)
> questions#update
>                                  DELETE
> /minisections/:minisection_id/questions/:id(.:format)
> questions#destroy
> In the view:
> <%= link_to 'Delete', minisection_question_path(:minisection_id =>
> @minisection.id,
>          :id => question.id),
>           :confirm => 'Are you sure?',
>           :method => :delete %>
> SO the GET, PUT, and DELETE routes are the same.  The view listed above
> ends up requesting the first route ie "show" method even though I have
> :method => :delete. ...so how to specify to to rails to delete a
> question!

There are 2 aspects:

1) resourceful routing

In e.g. the "Rails Routing from the Outside In" tutotial


have a second look at Chapter 2 on Resources. E.g. the table in section 2.2
explains that for the same path (/photos/:id) there are 3 different routes,
different HTTP verbs GET, PUT, DELETE.

The trick is that there is not only the path (/photos/:id) that
differentiates the
route, but also the http VERB that is used. That is typically for a single
(1 photo, not the collection):

GET for a non-state changing action (e.g. view the photo)
PUT to update a certain resource (e.g. update the description)
DELETE to destroy the resource (delete it)

2) the exact workings of the link_to method

Checkout this


in detail.



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