Hello John,

> I was very excited when I saw this, but I can't get it to work on my
> system -- though I admit to having no knowledge of multibyte
> characters and I would guess my problem is either an environment
> issue, or a change that is happening in Rails 2.3, but perhaps you
> could point me in the right direction.

thanks for your feedback - I'm happy that the library could be useful
to some of us :)

My first reaction was: has Rails edge introduced a refactoring that
would make this fail ? So I cloned  edge from GitHub and added this to
the gem Rakefile:

task :escape_with_rails_edge do
  # grab edge, cloned from github
  $LOAD_PATH << File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/gems/rails/activesupport/lib"
  require 'active_support'
  require 'active_support/version'
  puts ActiveSupport::VERSION::STRING
  require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/diacritics_fu'
  puts DiacriticsFu::escape("Réne")

It seems to work, so no issue with Rails:

Macintosh:diacritics_fu thbar$ rake escape_with_rails_edge
(in /Users/thbar/git/diacritics_fu)

At this point I think it's some issue with code encoding probably.

(check, check, wait...)

Hum it seems that I have some issue. In my spec, $KCODE is set to nil.
If I set it to "UTF8" like Rails does by default, the spec doesn't
pass (you keep Réne instead of Rene).

I guess I'll have to investigate more to see why it works in my other
setup, and not in this one. This is probably some environmental issue
like you said.

I'll keep you posted - if you find anything on your side, please contact me!

Thanks for your feedback,

-- Thibaut

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