On 6 April 2012 20:25, Vikram Anand <animated.vik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For some reason (most likely in my view due to naming conventions) rails
> association is not working. Trying to access child object from parent object
> gives undefined method.
> ...

> Sns::Application.routes.draw do
>   root :to => "questions#index"
>   resources :questions do
>     resources :question_responses
> end
> question.rb:
> class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
>   validates :title, :presence => true
>   validates :description, :presence => true
>   has_many :question_responses, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name =>
> "QuestionResponse"
>   accepts_nested_attributes_for :question_responses, :allow_destroy => true
> end
> question_response.rb:
> class QuestionResponse < ActiveRecord::Base
>   validates :body, :presence => true
>   belongs_to :question, :foreign_key => "question_id"
> end
> questions_controller.rb:
> class QuestionsController < ApplicationController
>   before_filter :find_question
>   before_filter :find_question_response, :only => [:show, :edit, :update,
> :destroy]
>   def index
>     @question = Question.new
>     @questions = Question.all
>   end
>   def new
>     @question = Question.new
>     @question_response = @question.question_responses.build
>   end
>   def create
>     @question = Question.new(params[:question])
>     if @question.save
>       flash[:notice] = "Question has been created."
>       redirect_to @question
>     else
>       flash[:alert] = "Question has not been created."
>       render :action => 'new'
>     end
>     @question_response =
> @question.question_responses.build(params[:question_response])
>     if @question_response.save
>       flash[:notice] = "Reply has been created."
>       redirect_to [@question, @question_response]
>     else
>       flash[:alert] = "Reply has not been created."
>       render "question_responses/new"
>     end
>   end
>   def show
>     @question = Question.find(params[:id])
>   end
>   def edit
>     @question = Question.find(params[:id])
>   end
>   def update
>     @question = Question.find(params[:id])
>     if @question.update_attributes(params[:question])
>       flash[:notice] = "Question has been updated."
>       redirect_to @question
>     else
>       flash[:alert] = "Question has not been updated."
>       render :action => 'edit'
>     end
>   end
>   def destroy
>     @question = Question.find(params[:id])
>     @question.destroy
>     flash[:notice] = "Question has been deleted."
>     redirect_to questions_path
>   end
>   def find_question_response
>     @question_response = @question.question_responses.find(params[:id])
>   end
>   private
>   def find_question
>     if (params[:question_response] &&
> params[:question_response][:question_id])
>       @question = Question.find(params[:question_response][:question_id])
>     elsif params[:question_id]
>       @question = Question.find(params[:question_id])
>     end
>   end
> end
> Error with trace:
> undefined method `question_responses' for nil:NilClass
> app/controllers/questions_controller.rb:55:in `find_question_response'

Read the error carefully, it says that nil has not got a method
question_responses, so the object you are trying to call the method on
is nil.  So apparently @question is nil, assuming that line 55 is
    @question_response = @question.question_responses.find(params[:id])

The reason is that this is being called in a before_filter and you
have not got any code there to setup @question.


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