Cool, I'll show this to the SciRuby list. :)

On Sunday, November 25, 2012 12:03:45 AM UTC-7, Fred Wu wrote:
> A week ago I went to Shanghai, China to attend and to give a talk at 
> RubyConf China. The day before the conference’s first day a bunch of us 
> were invited to a VIP dinner where we met with Matz and got to play with a 
> device running MRuby. And I heard that earlier on that day Matz was 
> ‘adopted’ by a book publisher to do an interview.
> I have found the interview (in Chinese), and found it to be really useful. 
> So I translated it to English. Hope more people will like it. :)
> P.S. Slides of my RubyConf China talk if you're interested: 
> P.P.S. Photos of RubyConf China: 

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