Thanks, that's good advice. The console told the tale. It appears as though 
ImageMagick is delegating to ffmpeg, and the convert function that Paperclip 
generates in their thumbnail operation tacks a [0] to the end of the filename 
to get it to use the first frame. I need to do some more digging, but it 
appears as though I can just put a different number in there for movies. It 
seems as though all file types are getting the [0] treatment, not just movies, 
so I don't want to start looking for frame 10 in a TIFF...


On Jun 12, 2013, at 11:58 AM, Jim Ruther Nill wrote:

> I haven't seen the paperclip code but I think you can look at the 
> preprocessors used by default by paperclip.
> You usually see logs when paperclip does some processing using rmagick which 
> may be a clue as to what
> part of the lib you want to look at.
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 11:15 PM, Walter Lee Davis <> wrote:
> I have been using CarrierWave for file uploads on a site which needs to 
> accept a really wide range of different movie formats, stills, PDFs... And I 
> have been struggling with making thumbnails of certain formats. After much 
> yak-shaving with ffmpeg and imagemagick and Rmagick, I finally decided to do 
> a little spike app with nothing but Paperclip. I set up the simplest thing 
> that could possibly work:
> has_attached_file :blob, :styles => { :thumb => ["320x320>", :png], :large => 
> ["1500x1500>", :png] }
> And no matter what format (within reason) I pass to it, I get a nicely formed 
> PNG format thumbnail and large preview image. PSD, PDF, TIFF, MOV, M4V -- it 
> Just Works™. And I cannot figure out how it is doing this, despite reading 
> through the source code for quite a while.
> The reason why I need to access the magic is that while I am getting a nice 
> thumbnail from any movie format I pass in, I am getting the very first frame 
> of the movie (usually black) rather than a few seconds into the clip. In my 
> CarrierWave converter, I had a custom offset time defined for this. But I 
> cannot see where Paperclip is defining what to do with a video to generate a 
> PNG image so I can alter this default.
> There are tons of examples on SO and the Web in general, showing how to 
> create a custom video thumbnailer and transcoder, but I would like to avoid 
> rebuilding this wheel that Paperclip seems to have hewn out of pure Elven 
> magick.
> Thanks in advance,
> Walter
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