Colin Law wrote in post #1129260:
> On 2 December 2013 21:22, yinwen Xuan <> wrote:
>> could you just check why the ruby script not work
> Why should I help when you have not followed my request not to top
> post and to remember to quote the previous reply?
>> it work when only use the field name : <%= land_area_unit -%>
>> because the the field display not right, when its sqm, it show M2 I want
>> it show m, that's why I want to write a if statement to showing the
>> right unit format:
>> <%= if land_area_unit == M2 %>m&sup2 <% else %>  <%= if land_area_unit
>> == HA %>Ha <% else %><%= if land_area_unit == AC %>Ac<% else %>f&sup2
> There are so many things wrong I don't know where to start.  Have a
> look at
> What is &sup2 intended to be?  Should it be &sup2; perhaps.
> What are the variables M2 and H2 set to?
> Colin

Hi Colin,

I do want to do what you request, but as I explain that I can't edit the 
server, view controller etc
the original code on the themes is:
<%= land_area -%><%= land_area_unit -%>
it show on website is 1234 M2
what I want to do is change the M2 to m²
m&sup2; is html to display m² , then I change it to:

<%= land_area -%><%= if land_area_unit == M2 %> m&sup2; <% else %>Ha

Ha is Hectares
but its not work, sorry that I can't do too much following what you 
request because I don't know how.
and thanks in advance!

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