It is magic method. It is called when any method is called with the
called method name as the first argument and array of arguments as the
second argument.

Mentioned method_missing looks like exactly what I need so I'm going
to do a google search on it.

On 28. Dec., 14:24 h., Frederick Cheung <>
> On 28 Dec 2008, at 13:04, zero0x wrote:
> > --------
> > So I created a new class, called timetable, and I would like to create
> > methods like 1_1, 1_1=, 1_2, 1_2= - getters and setters for each
> > lesson of each day.
> Well you'll have to pick different names because 1_1 isn't a legal  
> method name> By the way, the timetable has a result set from active record as 
> a
> > private variable, and I turned it into hash, so that I could access it
> > by @subject_lessons['1_1'] etc.
> > In PHP, there's a __call method, which would do something like this:
> > function __call($function, $arguments)
> > {
> >  $this->subject_lessons[$function] = $arguments[0];
> > }
> Still not entirely clear to me what this does, but I'd be surprised if  
> some combination of method_missing and send didn't get you there.
> Fred
> > So I need something like this in Ruby. Hope someone will help me :)
> > Thank you guys very much! :)
> > ---
> > By the way Ruby is beautiful but it is pretty different from PHP (I'm
> > working in PHP for like 4 years, and in Ruby for like few days)
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