On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 1:03:03 PM UTC+5:30, Marius Turcu wrote:
> I'm stuck and i don't know why it is not working right. I have a model
> lesson wich has many sublessons. When i update the lesson rails update
> properly the lesson attributes but is creating another sublessons
> records instead of just updating it.
> Here is my code
> View Form:
> <div style="padding:13px">
> <%= form_for @lesson do |f| %>
>           <%= f.label :lesson_name, "Lesson title" %></br>
>           <%= f.text_field :lesson_name,  class: "form-control" %></br>
>           <%= f.label :lesson_icon, "Choise icon" %>
>           <%= f.select "lesson_icon", options_for_select([ "ico03",
> "ico04","ico05","ico06" ])%></br></br>
>           <div>
>            <%= f.fields_for :sublessons do |sublesson_a| %>
>            <%= sublesson_a.label :sublesson_name, "Subtitle 1" %></br>
>            <%= sublesson_a.text_field :sublesson_name, class:
> "form-control" %></br>
>            <%= sublesson_a.label :sublesson_content, "Content" %></br>
>            <%=sublesson_a.text_area 'sublesson_content', rows: 3, class:
> 'form-control'%></br>
>            <%= sublesson_a.label :sublesson_video_link, "Video link"
> %><br>
>            <%= sublesson_a.text_field :sublesson_video_link, class:
> "form-control" %></br>
>           <%end%>
>          </div>
>        </div>
> <%= f.submit "Submit", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
> <% end %>
> </div>
> lesson model
> class Lesson < ActiveRecord::Base
>    has_many :sublessons, :dependent => :destroy
>    accepts_nested_attributes_for :sublessons, :reject_if => :all_blank
> end
> sublesson model
> class Sublesson < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to :lesson, :foreign_key => "lesson_id"
>   validates :sublesson_name, presence: true
>   validates :sublesson_content ,presence: true
> end
> lesson controller
> def update
>    @lesson = Lesson.find(params[:id])
>    @sublessons=@lesson.sublessons.all
>     if @lesson.update(lesson_params)
>       flash[:notice] = "Lesson updated"
>       redirect_to lessons_show_url
>     else
>       flash[:notice] = "Error"
>       redirect_to lessons_show_url
>     end
> end
> def edit
>     @lesson = Lesson.find(params[:id])
>     @sublessons=@lesson.sublessons.all
> end
> def lesson_params
> params.require(:lesson).permit(:lesson_name, :lesson_icon,
> sublessons_attributes:[:sublesson_id, :sublesson_name,
> :sublesson_content, :sublesson_video_link])
>   end
Hi Marius,

Can you try adding the :id attribute to the  :sublessons_attributes array 
in lesson_params? You need to permit the id attribute.


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