Colin Law wrote in post #1155829:
> You have a variable called @line_item and are trying to reference the
> member @line_item.expensescounter.  I assume that @line_item is an
> object of class LineItem.  Is that correct?

 Yes, it is correct.

> Assuming the above is correct then what is LineItem.expensescounter?
> Is it an association, so in the lineitem class you have lineitem
> belongs_to Expensescounter or has_one Expensescounter?  If so then at
> some point you should have made an expensescounter and assigned it to
> a lineitem object and saved them both in the database.  Your error
> suggests that the lineitem object in @line_item does not have an
> associated expensescounter.  So the code you need to show is how you
> create the expensescounter and then give it to the lineitem.  All you
> have showed so far is a public method (current_expensescounter) which
> finds or creates one, but there is nothing to say that it belongs to
> the particular lineitem referenced by @lineitem.

I have created relationship between line items, expensescounter and 

It is an association between lineitem and expensescounter. I am 
providing code of model:

> Code of cart.rb:

class Expensescounter < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :user_id

  has_many :line_items, dependent: :destroy
  belongs_to :user

  validates :user_id, presence: true
  default_scope order: 'expensescounters.created_at DESC'

> code of line_item.rb:

class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
   attr_accessible :quantity_id, :expensescounter_id

  belongs_to :quantity
  belongs_to :expensescounter

> code of quantity.rb:

class Quantity < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :line_items

  before_destroy :ensure_not_referenced_by_any_line_item

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