
Comments interspersed.

And, again, thank you.


On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 2:42:17 PM UTC-6, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Ralph Shnelvar <ral...@dos32.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > So what is the correct phrase for knowing what kind of server Rails is 
> > running under? 
> "what server?" should do :-) 

Ok, that was easy. 

> > HS> Also, what does "under Apache" mean? Using Passenger? Or as 
> > HS> a proxy? If the latter, something has to be doing the actual serving 
> > HS> (i.e. puma, unicorn, thin, webrick (not in production!)). 
> > 
> > "Under Apache" means, I think, Apache is somewhere in the rack.  (My 
> > understanding of "rack" is, at best, nebulous. 
> First, "Apache" is the name of an organization; "Apache httpd" is a 
> web server (which many people erroneously refer to as "Apache"). 
> Lordy, you're even more of a pedant than I am.  :-)

> Did you install and configure this yourself, or was it provided by 
> someone else? 
 I installed the system myself.  It was about as much fun as going to the 
dentist while having a stomach flu.

Just for giggles I'll describe my system:
Windows 7 host
VMware Workstation
Ubuntu 16.04 client

I don't have a clue how I would have gotten as far as I have without VMWare.

> Can you describe exactly how you're starting "Apache"? 
Sure. I start Apache httpd with the following script:

sudo apache2ctl start

When I run webrick my script is

sudo apache2ctl stop
rails s

So I use the environment variable RALPH_SUPPRESS_HTTPS as a proxy for 
whether I'm using webrick or Apache httpd

And, again, Hassan, thank you

> -- 
> Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.s...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:> 
> twitter: @hassan 
> Consulting Availability : Silicon Valley or remote 

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