Hi Guys,

I have a mail_templates table
I have a mailinglists table
I have a mail_templates_mailinglists table with mailtemplate_id, and

mail_template has_and_belongs_to_many :mailinglists
mailinglist has_and_belongs_to_many :mail_templates, :foreign_key =>

I want to be able to stop the user being able to destroy the
mail_template if it is being used by a mailinglist.

So in my destroy method in my mail_template controller I want to find
any mailinglists that have a mail_template id.

I tried the following but I am getting an error,

  mailinglist = Mailinglist.mail_template_mailinglists.find(:all,
:conditions => ["mail_template_id = ?", params[:id]])

    if mailinglist.empty?
      flash[:notice] = 'Cannot delete mail template, as it is being used
by one or more mailinglist.'

 NoMethodError in Admin/mail templatesController#destroy

undefined method `mail_template_mailinglists' for #<Class:0x3333814>
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