Interesting way of doing things, and I'm not 100% sure what your OS
environments on your machines are, but it really is kind of nice to be
able to develop on separate machines with something as simple as "thin
start" on the machine and the using Git to handle the source.

Just an idea.

On Jan 21, 10:24 pm, Kyle Wakefield <>
> Mark Reginald James wrote:
> > Kyle Wakefield wrote:
> >> If not, does someone know what I could be missing in my Apache
> >> configuration that is keeping me from accessing development mode?
> > Are you using Passenger (mod_rails)? If so, you need to add the
> > "RailsEnv development" option to your VirtualHost config.
> > --
> > Rails Wheels - Find Plugins, List & Sell Plugins -
> >
> Yes, I am using Passenger. The RailsEnv option was the fix. Thanks for
> the Reply, I don't think I would have found that one. I was busy looking
> though the Apache and Rails options; I kind of forgot that I even
> installed Passenger.
> Jason White wrote:
> > are you trying to develop on your local machine?
> I'm trying to develop on a local server from another machine. It's
> probably not the easiest/best way to go but I don't really know enough
> to know the difference yet...
> --
> Posted via
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