Hey All,

I've got the below partial rendering each item of a collection to a table row, 
with some nice ajax magic for hiding the row if the user clicks a link.  It 
works very nicely, except for the bit that assigns the class= attribute to the 
tr tag.  For some reason I can't figure out, every row is getting 
class="line-even".  Does anybody have an idea why the cycle() call wouldn't 
work here?

For extra weirdness, if I include this html comment line right before the line 
w/the opening <tr> tag, it *does* work.

  <!-- class="<%= cycle('line-even', 'line-odd') %>" -->  

############### non-cycling partial ########################

  <% this_found_project_id = "fp_#{found_project.id}" %>
  <tr class="<%= cycle('line-even', 'line-odd')%>" id="<%= 
this_found_project_id %>">
    <td><%= found_project.name %></td>
        link_to_function 'add' do |page|
          page.insert_html :bottom, 
                          :partial => 'tumor_sites/tumor_sites_project', 
                          :object => TumorSitesProject.new(:project_id => 
          page.hide this_found_project_id

############### non-cycling partial ########################



Roy Pardee
Research Analyst/Programmer
Group Health Center For Health Studies (Cancer Research Network)
(206) 287-2078
Google Talk: rpardee

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