Hi, I have some Page model that has_many Photos, I am using Paperclip
for doing the file processing for the photos and I am following the Ryan
Bates (Advanced Rails Recipes) recipe for handling multiple belonging
models and parent model in a single form (wich i implemented into a gem)
so I can dynamically add and remove photos.

Ok, the problem is when creating a Page and validation fails: the user
has to upload all the files again. I thought of saving the photos
without validation when creating a Page so Paperclip does it's job, I
would have a bg task to delete orphan Photos:

class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
  accepts_multiple :photos, :dependent => :destroy #this method comes
from my
                                    #gem implementation of the Ryan B.

  validates_associated :photos
  validates_presence_of :title, :content

  after_validation_on_create :save_attachments

  def save_attachments
    unless self.errors.empty?
      self.photos.each{ |photo| photo.save( false ) }

The problem is that the Photos don't get saved in the database although
they return false for #new_record? and Paperclip saves the files, if I
set a debugger here:

  def create
    @page = Page.new(params[:page])

    if @page.save
      render :action => "new"

and play with the irb:

>> @planta.fotos.first
=> #<Photo id: 1, page_id: nil...
>> @planta.fotos.first.new_record?
=> false
>> Photo.count
=> 0
>> Photo.find( 1 )
=> ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound Exception: Couldn't find Photo with ID=1
>> @planta.fotos.first.save( false )
=> true
>> Photo.count
=> 0

This is most annoying and strange, it should be saved!!!

In the log it appears as it has ben written to db:
Photo Create (0.8ms)   INSERT INTO "photos" ("updated_at"...

Is there any kind of transaction or caching involved? Can I override
this behavior?
 Please help!!
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