On Feb 9, 10:04 am, Adam Akhtar <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>
> I have four links on a page generated with link_to . I want to style the
> currently active link differently than the other 3. I tried passing
> :class => "selected" to link_to but it adds this tag to all 4 links, not
> just the currently active one.
> anyideas?
> (this is for tabbed navigation)
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Well the problem is that you need to set class="#{'selected' if
SOMETHING}" so the question becomes "what is SOMETHING?".

This might get criticised but here is what I am doing in my current
app. I have a helper that looks something like

def class_for_link(uri)
    hsh = ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(uri,
{ :method => :get }) # You might need to gsub out the root of this url
    [hsh[:controller], hsh[:action]] == [controller.controller_name,
controller.action_name] ? 'active' : ''

Then in the views I can say something like

<%= link_to "John", person_path(1), :class => 'style1 style2 ' +
class_for_link(person_path(1)) %>
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