I am reading “Agile Web Development with Rails, 2nd Edition”, which is
based on 1.2.6. However, on my Leopard based iMac, I was running Rails

When I got to the part with associating a scaffold to my :products
(located on the bottom of page 67), it outputted a No Scaffold method
error (because scaffolds are not included in 2.2.2).

After searching some web sites, particularly <http://www.ruby-
forum.com/topic/137274>, I tried to install 1.2.6 by issuing: gem
install rails—version 1.2.6—include-dependencies.

This worked correctly, but when I still type check the current version
from bash it states:

Rails 2.2.2

I then went into my app’s config/environment.rb file and set

When I tried to re-start the WEBrick server, I got the following

=> Booting WEBrick…
./script/../config/../config/environment.rb:46: undefined method
`time_zone=’ for #<rails::configuration:0x11600c0> (NoMethodError)
from /Users/untz/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/rails-1.2.6/lib/initializer.rb:
45:in `run’ from ./script/../config/../config/environment.rb:13

On line 46, on my WEBrick server, this is what is set:

config.time_zone = ‘UTC’


(1) Should I stick with learning Rails 2.2.2 and upgrade to Ruby 1.9?

(2) Is the 2nd Edition of this book now deprecated or is there a
workaround to my problem?

(3) Any good resources on learning the new version of Rails?

Happy programming!

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