
Check out http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9/classes/CGI.html#M000527
(It worked with 2.2 also)

>> ugly = CGI::escapeHTML('<BR><A HREF="url"></A>')
=> "&lt;BR&gt;&lt;A HREF=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;/A&gt;"

>> print CGI::unescapeElement(ugly, "A", "IMG")
&lt;BR&gt;<A HREF="url"></A>=> nil

>> print CGI::unescapeElement(ugly, "A", "IMG", "BR")
<BR><A HREF="url"></A>=> nil

There might be a higher level function too, but this shows you how you
might use this directly


On Feb 9, 7:34 pm, yachtman <carson.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This might be such a stupid simple question, so forgive me--I did
> search the forum and elsewhere and couldn't find the answer...
> I have an HTML text string that formats nicely on a web  page:
> s = "Mom &amp; Dad"    => "Mom & Dad"
> How do I convert s to just ascii characters, ie. "Mom & Dad"?
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