Sound good - I will try it. Thanks.
Klaus Kohlbauer

On 12 Feb., 17:04, Frederick Cheung <>
> On Feb 12, 3:18 pm, "klaus.kohlbauer" <>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have a big problem und hoping for your help.
> > In my application a user should be able to edit an email template file
> > for himself and send it out e.g. to a customer. (thats the plan).
> > For that I have created some functionality to edit the template file
> > and an ActionMailer class with a method called 'createMail'. The user
> > is editing the template file, saves the file and then he is sending
> > the mail to the customer. Thats working fine. But now the user is
> > making changes on the template file and he wants to send it out
> > again.  And now my problem comes up. The result of createMail() is the
> > same as it was for the first time. The changes, the user has made in
> > the template file are not in the created email.
> > I think that has something to do with caching. Because all is working
> > well in the development environment but not in production.
> You might be interested 
> in
> They're talking about actioncontroller views rather than actionmailer
> views but it's all the same really.
> What I've done in the past is just sidestep this completely with a
> mailer method like this:
>   def standard_email(recipient, template)
>     setup_common(recipient)
>     @subject = template.subject
>     @body = Liquid::Template.parse(template.body).render({})
>   end
> template is an activerecord object holding the body, subject etc. of
> the message. I happened to use Liquid to render the message, but
> that's up to you. You could read templates from disk rather than from
> database.
> Fred- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
> - Zitierten Text anzeigen -
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