On Feb 21, 11:00 am, Cyrus Dev <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>
> Hello all
> I have problem regarding hash and array
> I am retriving records using find method and then doing some operations
> on it
> and finally i got results like following
> [{"1"=>"75225", "2"=>"Sat"},{"1"=>"75225", "2"=>"Sat"}]
> which contains array of hashes
> when we write simple find method of any tables it returns
> [#, #, #, #] in this way

Sounds like your view just contains <%= some_array %>

Which means that you'll just get the result of calling to_s on each of
your array elements, which is unlikely to be useful and also invalid
html since what it outputs is something like #<SomeObject:
0x12345678> . It is up to you to produce some meaningful textual
output for your array elements (eg <%= h some_array.inspect %> but
even that is pretty crude)

> so can anybody tell me what is difference between this 2 types of array
> becuase I dont want to modify my view file
> Also can i convert first array of hashes to acitve record type of array
> of hashes
> how can we do that ?
> Thanks
> --
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