bill walton wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 19:31 -0500, Jeff Schwab wrote:
>> What terms should I use for actual unit tests? Is it 
>> sufficient to let context make the distinction clear, 
>> or does my vocabulary still need a few more patches?
> IME, you'll do yourself and those around you a big favor if you adjust
> your vocabulary.  What follows is one man's experience.  YMMV.

Thanks for the guidance.

> Expect it
> to take time and effort for the team to adjust.

There's no team.  Just me.  I was asking for purposes of discussion in 
fora like this one.

> BTW, in case it doesn't come through clearly, I disagree with your
> assessment that %q{"Integration" tests seem to retain the traditional
> meaning, and there are apparently no "view" tests.}  All of Rails' tests
> fall into the 'traditional meaning' of Unit tests.

Unit and Functional tests sort of do.  I should have been clearer: to 
me, a Unit Test tests exactly one thing.

> "View" tests in
> Rails are accomplished via Integration tests.

By "view tests," I meant "traditional unit tests of views."  If an 
integration test fails, by definition, you don't immediately know which 
component (if any) was at fault.  If a traditional unit test of a view 
failed, you would know the view (or the test) was broken.

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