zensuite wrote:
> Hi everybody, I'm a web developer interested on moving to rubyonrails
> framework, and I'm looking for a good GUI or integrated suite to
> develop rails under leopard, or linux.

By "GUI", do you mean an IDE, or something else?

If you mean an IDE, I'd say that Rails needs an IDE a lot less than, 
say, most Java frameworks.  That said, I do my Rails development in 
jEdit (on Leopard), which certainly qualifies as an IDE; see 
http://marnen.livejournal.com/23723.html for more information.  I used 
to use Eclipse/Aptana, but it got to seem too heavyweight and 
underpowered.  I might try NetBeans at some point -- but neither it nor 
Eclipse has a working word wrap function!

About the only thing I really miss from Eclipse is Mylyn.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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