Fred, I took your suggestion to up the log level and this is what it

Processing UsersController#index [GET]
  Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"users", "page"=>"11"}
  User Load (26.0ms)   SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY users.created_at
DESC LIMIT 100, 10
  SQL (0.2ms)   SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `users`
Rendering template within layouts/application
Rendering users/index
Rendered users/_user (3.7ms)
Rendered users/_user (2.9ms)
Rendered users/_user (3.1ms)
Rendered users/_user (42.6ms)
Rendered users/_user (39.6ms)
Rendered users/_user (121.2ms)
Rendered users/_user (32.9ms)
Rendered users/_user (4.9ms)
Rendered users/_user (14.7ms)
Rendered users/_user (2.7ms)
  User Load (0.2ms)   SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 1)
Rendered users/_search (3.0ms)
Rendered users/_user_bar (2.1ms)
Completed in 319ms (View: 288, DB: 27)

However, once I hit refresh a bunch of times, all those partials drop
to only a few ms each. Including the ones that show as 40, 120, etc
above. Those long ones all had text in the about_me....


On Apr 6, 1:37 pm, Avishai <> wrote:
> Interesting. Maybe something is going on in the controller. I've tried
> running the resulting SQL queries directly, and they still seem to be
> fetching pretty quickly...
> The controller contains a lot of conditionals, maybe that's the issue?
> I've used Newrelic RPM to analyze my SQL, and it looks like for
> everything there's no USING FILESYSTEM, so indexes are set up
> properly... The about_me column is a regular freetext column (TEXT i
> think), so the length varies anywhere from zero to a few paragraphs of
> text. The photos are handled with paperclip, but are just URLs, not
> the actual files in the DB. Could it still be a bandwidth still be an
> issue DB => webserver if they're on the same box?
> Controller code is at the end here:
> Cheers,
> Avishai
> On Apr 6, 12:50 pm, Harold <> wrote:
> > I can't find anything fundamentally wrong on your views, but we
> > haven't seen any controller and model code.
> > Try benchmarking/profiling your app to find out exactly what the
> > bottleneck is. See
> > A good start may be your DB. What RDMS are you using? Do you have
> > proper indexes?
> > Have you tried running the SQL directly (pick it up from the logs) and
> > finding out if it's a problem with Rails at all?
> > How big is the user.about_me column be? If it's huge you may be
> > hitting a bandwidth bottleneck (DB => web server).
> > Not much more occurs to me at this point, but hope that points you on
> > the right direction.
> > On Apr 6, 11:14 am, Avishai <> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've been experiencing some severe slowness in rendering the views in
> > > my users/index action. It's really not doing anything fancy at all,
> > > and has been driving me nuts the last few days. I'm running Rails
> > > 2.2... does anyone have any idea how to resolve this? Look at home
> > > much time is being consumed by the view. Obviously those response
> > > times are unacceptable, and this is with 3 instances of Thin running
> > > in production on a VPS...
> > > #production.log
> > > Rendering users/index
> > > Completed in 11386ms (View: 8693, DB: 151)
> > > Rendering users/index
> > > Completed in 5024ms (View: 3286, DB: 16)
> > > Rendering users/index
> > > Completed in 11692ms (View: 8811, DB: 105
> > > Rendering users/index
> > > Completed in 11184ms (View: 8116, DB: 364)
> > > Rendering sessions/new
> > > Completed in 1696ms (View: 1012, DB: 0)
> > > Rendering users/index
> > > Completed in 8361ms (View: 6898, DB: 107)
> > > #users/index.html.erb
> > > <div>
> > >         <h2>Users</h2>
> > >          <%= render :partial => "users/user", :collection => @users %>
> > >         <%= will_paginate @users %>
> > >         <% if @users.empty? -%>
> > >                 <p class="infobox">Looks like we couldn't find
> > > anything matching your search. Maybe you should consider broadening it?
> > > </p>
> > >         <% end -%>
> > > </div>
> > > #_user.html.erb
> > > <% div_for user do %>
> > >         <h2><%= link_to(image_tag(, :alt =>
> > > user.login, :height => 130, :width => 130, :class => "profile-photo"),
> > > user) %><%= link_to(user.login, user) %></h2>
> > >         <p class="user-location"><%= user.age %> / <%= %> / <
> > > %= %>, <%= user.state %></p>
> > >         <p class="user-summary"><%= truncate_words(user.about_me ||
> > > "", 80) -%></p>
> > > <% end %>
> > > The template code is here too:
> > > Any ideas?
> > > Thanks!
> > > Avishai
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