or to avoid trusting the default just go ":Rscript server mongrel".
If I'm not mistaken, you're probably using ":Rserver" which
automatically starts the server in the background.

On May 3, 3:19 pm, Harold A. Giménez Ch. <harold.gime...@gmail.com>
> Thin is just another webserver for ruby apps (mongrel, webrick, thin, 
> ...)http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/
> You could've done :Rscript server to accomplish the same Rick Lloyd is
> describing (which would default to whatever server you're using).
> On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 9:04 PM, 7stud --
> <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net>wrote:
> > Rick Lloyd wrote:
> > > I don't understand, when I issue the rails.vim command
> > > ":Rscript server thin"
> > > the thin server is started in the current VIM window with
> > > output visible.
> > What's a 'thin server'?   As I mentioned in my op, this is what I had
> > been doing in Terminal:
> > /myapp$ ruby script/server
> > The window then showed the log output from the server.  I could kill the
> > sever by hitting Ctrl+C.
> > The rails.vim help says this:
> > :Rserver {options}  Launches script/server {options} in the background.
> >      On win32, this means |!start|.  On other systems, this
> >      uses the --daemon option.
> > /myapp$ ruby script/server -h
> > Usage: server [options]
> >    -p, --port=port                  Runs Rails on the specified port.
> >                                     Default: 3000
> >    -b, --binding=ip                 Binds Rails to the specified ip.
> >                                     Default:
> >    -c, --config=file                Use custom rackup configuration
> > file
> >    -d, --daemon                     Make server run as a Daemon.
> >    -u, --debugger                   Enable ruby-debugging for the
> > server.
> >    -e, --environment=name           Specifies the environment to run
> > this server under (test/development/production).
> >                                     Default: development
> >    -P, --path=/path                 Runs Rails app mounted at a
> > specific path.
> >                                     Default: /
> >    -h, --help                       Show this help message.
> > Nothing about 'thin' in there.
> > > The behavior is identical to that in a terminal
> > > window which has has the command "script/server thin" issued.
> > > i.e. I can see the output from the thin server as if I were tailing
> > > the logfile and I can stop the thin server by issuing a Ctrl-C in the
> > > VIM window (vimdoh?).
> > > Doesn't this accomplish what you're after?
> > I don't know.  I'll have to try it the next time I am ready to logout.
> > --
> > Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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