We've just upgraded our Rails 2.0.2 app to 2.3 and the webservices
create APIs are failing.  Instead of receiving parsed XML, the
controller's create method gets the whole xml as a hash key with the
value nil.

To isolate this issue, I generated a vanilla app:
  $ rails scaffold_xml
  $ ./script/generate scaffold  project title:string description:text
  $ rake db:migrate

In real life I test this with cucumber features, but for the purposes of
short repro steps, I added this to the top of projects_controller.rb
  skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token

And then ran the POST for the create request on the command line
  $ curl -X POST -d '<project><title>Awesome</title><description>This is
an awesome project.</description>' http://localhost:3000/projects.xml

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <created-at type="datetime">2009-06-21T14:09:08Z</created-at>
    <description nil="true"></description>
    <id type="integer">1</id>
    <title nil="true"></title>
    <updated-at type="datetime">2009-06-21T14:09:08Z</updated-at>

The log says:
Processing ProjectsController#create to xml (for at 2009-06-21
07:09:08) [POST]
  Parameters: {"<project><title>Awesome</title><description>This is an
awesome project.</description>"=>nil}
  Project Create (10.4ms)   INSERT INTO "projects" ("updated_at",
"title", "description", "created_at") VALUES('2009-06-21 14:09:08',
NULL, NULL, '2009-06-21 14:09:08')
Completed in 181ms (View: 134, DB: 10) | 201 Created

To test my assumptions, I repeated the above steps with "rails _2.0.2_
scaffold_xml_202" to look at it in the old version of rails (minus the
forgery bit which didn't used to be required.)  I must be missing
something basic here.  Can anyone enlighten me or point me to relevant

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