Where can I find a reliable, experienced Ruby proammer for helping me with an 
existing site built on Rails? Any thoughts
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-----Original Message-----
From: karthik k <cse.k.kart...@gmail.com>

Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 17:12:35 
To: <rubyonrails-talk@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Rails] Re: Help For Testing ruby on rails?

Thank you for your response
I gone through the links and your explanation but frankly speaking i
understood but not fully

I have one doubt

unit testing (For model)
what it does?(According to my knowledge)
1. It inserts in to database an temporary data from fixtures something.yml
when i run rake test:units

FunctionalTesting (For  controller)
what it does?(According to my knowledge)
It checks if the controller is working correctly or not

But when i run rake test:functionals i have one method called

def test_should_create_post
    assert_difference('Post.count') do
      post :create, :post => {:title=>"my",:body=>"my body" }

but it is not adding to database

please tell me

1. what unit test does
2. what functional test does
Mobile - +91-9894991640

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:55 PM, byrnejb <byrn...@harte-lyne.ca> wrote:

> On Jul 22, 12:54 am, Karthik Kantharaj <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-
> s.net> wrote:
> > Hi guys
> >
> > I am using Aptana IDE
> >
> > How to do unit testing is there any sample explaining this
> >
> > I got some tutorial but that is not complete as i am a beginner
> >
> I just went through this experience myself and I will tell you that
> there are many competing philosophies about testing, all of which use
> similar or identical terminology to mean or assume significantly
> different things.  There is a vast overlap, but on a few crucial
> details there are vital differences whose apparent importance is
> magnified by the abysmal state of ones own ignorance.  I found this to
> be exceptionally confusing in the beginning and the source of much
> misdirected effort on my part.  For what it is worth I eventually
> settled on continuous integration testing for my Rails project.  For
> this I use Cucumber, originally an offshoot of RSpec but now a
> completely distinct and independent package.
> The best places to start are the mailing lists devoted to testing.  I
> can recommend both the RSpec and Cuke lists as places where
> extraordinarily knowledgeable and helpful people frequent.  Both ML
> are replicated at and can be joined through groups.google.com (http://
> groups.google.com/group/rspec and http://groups.google.com/group/cukes).
> There are also numerous self-help tutorials on the web.  Just google
> (rails ruby testing tutorial).
> At my last count, Ryan Bates screencasts at railscast.com provided no
> fewer than ten episodes either directly about testing or having
> testing as a significant component of his presentation.   Plus there
> is a treasure trove of other riches to be had at his site.  Highly
> recommended.
> Recall to mind frequently that TDD/BDD is above all else a mental
> approach to computer systems development.  The three rules that I have
> been taught are:
> Write no production code AT ALL until you have a failing test.
> Write only the minimal test that fails the current requirement, AND NO
> Write only enough production code to pass the test, AND NO MORE.
> It is hard to say which of these rules is the hardest to follow.  In
> the beginning I suppose it has to be rule number one for most people.
> But after a time that becomes routine and the danger of not following
> rules two and three become evident.  In truth, you must follow all
> three rules at all times.  TDD/BDD just does not happen until you do.
> people call what they do TDD or BDD when they write tests, or specs or
> features or whatever; but if they do not rigorously follow the canon
> respecting what, when and how much code to write then they are really
> not.  It just superficially appears that they are.
> The real test for yourself is the truthful answer to the question: Is
> what I am doing HARD?  If the answer is no then you are missing
> something important (or are a savant).  TDD and BDD is HARD.  It is
> VERY HARD.  Because you have to cast your every design intent as a
> programatically testable manifestation.   That means you have to think
> very carefully about precisely what you NEED to accomplish and HOW to
> accomplish it, whereas most people spent most of the time thinking
> about what they WANT to accomplish.
> If you would like to see an excellent presentation on the grim
> realities of practicing TDD, this forms the core of a very discursive
> talk by Bob Martin given at RailsConf2009 entitled "What Killed
> Smalltalk Could Kill Ruby, Too", http://railsconf.blip.tv/file/2089545/.
> You have to get past the first five minutes or so which, as far as I
> could determine, have nothing to do with the subject of his
> presentation.  His assistant however, is the author of Cucumber.
> >

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