
A couple of things to try/check.

1) Look in the apache error logs for the virtual host, passenger may
be reporting issues there.

2) Did you create the DB, migrate it, etc (I know you probably did,
but when you get frustrated sometimes it's the basic things you forgot
to do).


On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Alpha
Blue<rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net> wrote:
> The title says it all - please bear with me.  To let you know where I
> stand, I have been working for up to 12 hours a day for 2 months and 2
> weeks trying to get my site ready for release.  In development (on
> windows) it works perfectly.  In production (on linux ubuntu) it does
> not.
> I stopped using capistrano because there are problems with the repo on
> github and things aren't working well with that.  I figured the easiest
> way for the first time would be to create a separate folder for
> production testing and point my virtual host to that.
> I have the following issues from start to finish:
> (Setup: Using ubuntu hardy, apache, passenger, rails 2.3.3, ruby 1.8.6)
> Issue One:  Last night when I did the manual install and went to my
> server, passenger told me that one of my plugin methods wasn't
> available.  I was subsequently told by a friend that you have to include
> "all" gems in environment.rb.  So, I put require next to the gems I use
> in order:
> require "rubygems"
> require "redcloth"
> require "will_paginate"
> require "mysql"
> Issue Two: After restarting the server, I was getting an issue about one
> of the constants I have in my environment.  I disabled the constant in
> the two files it exists (because it wouldn't affect things outright).
> When running touch restart.txt and going to my site I'm getting an
> Internal Server Error 500 message.
> I check the logs and there's nothing written to them.  Just one line
> only on production.  Server log has 0.
> # Logfile created on Tue Aug 11 13:26:37 +0000 2009
> So, I'm unable to view errors or figure out what is going wrong with my
> setup.
> Issue Three:  Another person told me that I don't need to require the
> gems in environment rb and that I should just use the config and do a
> rake gems:install so I add them there:
>  config.gem "rubygems"
>  config.gem "redcloth"
>  config.gem "will_paginate"
>  config.gem "mysql"
> Run sudo rake gems:install
> WARNING:  Installing to ~/.gem since /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 and
>          /usr/bin aren't both writable.
> WARNING:  You don't have /home/jdezenzio/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin in your PATH,
>          gem executables will not run.
>  - RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [x86_64-linux]
>  - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
>  - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/ruby1.8
>    - ruby
>    - x86_64-linux
>     - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
>     - /home/jdezenzio/.gem/ruby/1.8
>     - :update_sources => true
>     - :verbose => true
>     - :benchmark => false
>     - :backtrace => false
>     - :bulk_threshold => 1000
>     - :sources => ["http://gems.rubyforge.org/";,
> "http://gems.github.com";, "http://gems.github.com";]
>     - http://gems.rubyforge.org/
>     - http://gems.github.com
> ================
> At this point, I took a step back.
> First, this linux is on slicehost and I created and duplicated
> everything I had from windows on it in terms of what gems it needs.
> It has every single gem installed that I have on my development machine.
> The only difference is on windows I don't need to do a require "x-gem
> etc." to get my gems to work.
> Secondly, if I go to IRB and do require "rubygems" and then require
> "everything else..", I get => 'true'
> =================
> So, where do I stand?  What are the biggest issues?
> 1.  I can't see errors in my logs to troubleshoot my issues
> 2.  I'm not sure where I need to require my gems, how to require them
> properly for production, or how to simplify this process to that I can
> access them anywhere.
> 3.  The rake gems:install is a bad solution for me because I already
> have the gems installed on my system - my app just needs to be able to
> see them.  Because my app can't see them and I'm forced to use a require
> "rubygems" do I have to include every possible gem my app uses, even
> mysql?
> 4.  What other things can I do to troubleshoot my issues here.
> .. Very tired .. and pretty frustrated and sad right now.  I'm losing
> too much time and getting to the point that I can't think straight.
> I've been told to go here and there, and talk to this person and that
> person, visit this IRC channel and that IRC channel.  At the end of it
> all, I'm not getting the right answers or not getting any answers at
> all.
> I'm a great troubleshooter.  I don't know how to properly troubleshoot
> this issue correctly.
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

Vince Hodges - Founder

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