It should be RedCloth NOT redcloth...

On Aug 12, 8:52 am, Alpha Blue <>
> Okay, lots of good info - thanks guys.  I'm making some headway.. here's
> where I stand:
> First, I removed the requires in environment.rb
> I added the config.gem statements for only redcloth and
> mislav-will_paginate
> I did a restart of my web server just to make sure everything is okay..
> Passenger now loads at least and gives me a generic error so I checked
> the apache2 error logs.
> It says:
> Missing these required gems:
>   redcloth
>   mislav-will_paginate
> You're running:
>   ruby at /usr/bin/ruby1.8
>   rubygems 1.3.5 at /home/jdezenzio/.gem/ruby/1.8,
> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
> Run `rake gems:install` to install the missing gems.
> When I run rake gems:install I get the following error:
> gem install redcloth
> ERROR:  could not find gem redcloth locally or in a repository
> I'm positive it has to do with my paths at this point.  Any idea of what
> I need to add to my path to get this working?
> --
> Posted via
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