rspec and rspec-rails version 1.2.9.rc1 have been released!

We're using the new rubygems prerelease feature to do proper release
candidates. This feature was introduced to rubygems a couple of versions back,
but I'd recommend updating to rubygems-1.3.5 before installing the rspec
prerelease gems.

For those unfamiliar with this new rubygems feature, you have to add the
--prerelease flat in order to see and install these gems:

    $ gem search --remote --prerelease rspec

      *** REMOTE GEMS ***

      rspec (1.2.9.rc1)
      rspec-rails (1.2.9.rc1)

    $ [sudo] gem install --prerelease rspec
    $ [sudo] gem install --prerelease rspec-rails

This way only those who choose to install the prerelease gems will get them,
while those who exclude the --prerelease flag will get the previous final
release (rspec-1.2.8, rspec-rails-

Once you install the prerelease gems, Rubygems will treat 1.2.9.rc1 as a
higher version than 1.2.8, but a lower version than 1.2.9. That way when we do
the final release you'll be able to just install 1.2.9 and it will take its
rightful place ahead of 1.2.9.rc1 without you having to uninstall rc1.

I invite you to install these prerelease gems and report any issues you run
into to Advanced thanks to those who
help the rest by breaking these in.



Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby and Ruby on Rails

### rspec-1.2.9-rc1

* enhancements
  * manage backtrace-ignore patterns with Spec::Runner.configure
(Martin Emde). Closes #870.
  * friendly mock argument expectation failure message (Tim Harper).
Closes #868.
  * added double() as alias for stub() and mock()
  * failure messages for doubles, mocks and stubs use the right name
  * add let() method to assign memoized attributes (suggestion from
Stuart Halloway). Closes #857.
  * add its method so you can say:
      describe Array do
        its(:length) { should == 0 }
    (Stephen Touset). Closes #833
  * spec command automatically uses spec/spec.opts if it is present
    (suggestion from Yehuda Katz)
  * rspec now adds PROJECT_ROOT/lib and PROJECT_ROOT/spec to the load path
    * determines PROJECT_ROOT by recursing up until it finds a directory
      that has a ./spec directory (thanks to Scott Taylor)
    * supports require 'spec_helper'
    * supports running specs from the PROJECT_ROOT or any directory
      below it
    * closes #733

* not really a bug fix or enhancement
  * temporarily moved heckle feature to features-pending (waiting to see what
    happens with

### rspec-rails-1.2.9-rc1

* enhancements
  * added route_to and be_routable matchers (Randy Harmon). Closes #843.
  * Provide better failure message for render_template when redirected
(Josh Nichols). Closes #885.
  * generated specs require 'spec_helper'

* bug fixes
  * pass the correct args to super in controller#render depending on
the rails version (Lucas Carlson). Closes #865.
  * use Rack::Utils.parse_query to convert query strings to hashes. Closes #872.
  * errors correctly bubble up when a controller spec in isolation
mode requests a non-existent action/template
    * no error if either action or template exist
    * error if neither exist
    * Closes #888.

* removals
  * spec_server has been removed in favor of spork.
    * You can still use the --drb flag, but you've got to install the spork gem.
    * Windows users who cannot use the spork gem can install the
spec_server from

* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>

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