raji wrote:
> I need a way to ensure that a grouping is unique.  That is, there
> should not be two grouping_ids containing the exact same elements.
> The closest analogy I can think of is a composite primary key.
> Except, this is across multiple rows (instead of columns) and uses
> polymorphic association types and ids.
> Can this be easily done with Rails and ActiveRecord?

Well, you could write a custom validator, something like (untested):
class Grouping < AR::B
  validate :must_have_unique_elements

  def must_have_unique_elements
    taken = (elements.first.groupings.find :element_ids => 
    # There's gotta be a more efficient way to write that query.

    errors.add_to_base("That combination of elements already exists!") 
if taken

I don't think there's anything off the shelf to make this easier, but I 
might be wrong...

> Thanks,
> Raj

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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