i don't know if i understand what you need, but i usually put various
checks on a befor_filter. if conditions are not met you will simply
return false and the execution stops.

On 19 Nov, 23:39, candlerb <b.cand...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Is there a standard way in Rails of terminating a request early with
> throw or raise?
> I am thinking of when a controller invokes a private method and inside
> that method I wish to render a result and then finish. For example:
>   def my_action
>     ...
>     authorize_something
>     ...
>   end
> private
>   def authorize_something
>     ...
>     if some_failure_condition
>       flash[:error] = "I couldn't do that"
>       redirect_to :controller=>:top, :action=>:index
>       throw :request_complete    # <<< WHAT GOES HERE?
>     end
>   end
> that is, without having to put an explicit catch or rescue in every
> action which calls authorize_something, and without having to check
> the return value from authorize_something everywhere that it is
> called.
> I have found 'rescue_from'; however this doesn't do what I need
> because my Cucumber tests still abort with the exception. That is, it
> seems that rescue_from is intended to handle pretty display of error
> pages when "real" exceptions occur, not as a mechanism by which a user
> exception can signal the early (but successful) termination of a
> request.
> Is there any other facility I should be looking at?
> Many thanks,
> Brian.


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