def already_voted_arts
  !Vote.find_by_user_id_and_category(, "Arts").blank?

On Dec 2, 10:45 am, DanC <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to get my head around using view helpers.
> My app has a Posters Model and I am allowing Users to vote on the best
> poster using a Votes model. Posters are in three categories.
> I want to build a filter to make sure people can only vote once in
> each Poster Category.
> The Vote entry has user_id (integer), poster_id(integer), category
> (string)
> On a simple level I want to start with a filter in my view file to
> only display the 'Vote' link if an entry does not exist for the
> current_user and relevant category.
> I tried adding the following to my PostersHelper but kept getting
> wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
> code below.
> Any advice on this type of filter would be much appreciated.
> ------------------------
> class PostersController < ApplicationController
> .....
>   helper :posters
> .....
> end
> ----------------------
> module PostersHelper
>   def already_voted_arts
>       Vote.exists?['user_id = ?', AND 'category = ?',
> "Arts"]
>   end
> end
> ---------------------
> <h2>Arts and Humanities</h2>
> <%if already_voted_arts%>
> <p>You have already voted in this category</p>
> <%else%>
> <p><b><%=link_to "Place your Arts and Humanities vote now",
> poster_arts_vote_path%></b></p>
> <%end%>


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