Len Haasbroek wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I've managed to install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 9.10, got it that up and
> running, installed mysql as well. I use Netbeans 6.8 as the IDE,

You probably want to drop that.  NetBeans is a great IDE, but it's 
overkill for Rails.  Rails does not really benefit from the use of an 
IDE; just use a good text editor such as KomodoEdit.

> and
> from there I can connect from a RoR project to the database with
> JDBCMYSQL connector, no problem.
> I can run the project, and get to what seems to be the default index
> file in the browser, it has a button there to click that shows then the
> status of the environment, I', very happy with that.
> (localhost:8080/RailsApplication6/)
> However, 2 problems then occurs.
> I type in localhost:8080/RailsApplication6/book/list
> and it just throws an error about that that get is not defined in the
> routes
> That is just bizarre, since the default route in routes.rb should take
> care of it right?
> "No route matches with {:method=>get}"

The default route is /:controller/:action , so it will try to find a 
controller and action that match the URL (in this case, "/book/list"). 
Unless you have a BookController (strange -- normal convention would be 
BooksController) with an action called "list", you will get routing 

> secondly, when restart linux (reboot pc), then when I run the project
> again, I land up with the page
> HTTP Status 40
> type Status report
> message
> descriptionThe requested resource () is not available.
> for both
> localhost:8080/RailsApplication6/
> localhost:8080/RailsApplication6/book/list
> It seems that I have some config somewhere wrong and I can't seem to
> figure out what. Im following the example from
> www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby-on-rails/rails-directory-structure.htm

Try the examples at http://guides.rails.info .

> I thought it should be as simple as just reading, typing and compiling,

Ruby is not a compiled language.

> but not so it seems.
> Any pointers are welcome, thanks!

It should be much simpler.  I suspect you're trying to type in a URL 
that doesn't yet route to anything.

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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