Why not just use validates_uniqueness_of, with a custom :message ?

custom-err-msg is handy for custom messages: 

I know that doesn't answer your URL issue, but it would seem a simpler/
tidier solution even if you still wanted to include the link. I prefer
to just leave navigation out of notices.

On Jan 29, 9:55 am, Rob Aldred <rald...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to be able to have a more detailed friendly message for users
> when they register with an email address thats already taken.
> At the moment I have written a small validation method to produce what
> I want, personally I dont like it because I've had to include modules
> that shouldn't really be there (ActionController::UrlWriter and
> ActionView::Helpers)
> I was considering extending the error_message_for method to check for
> error messages on fields against a list stored in a constant then
> replacing them in the errors array, but I dont really like that
> either.
> Does anyone know of a plugin or any suggestions on how I could make
> this cleaner?
> Here's what I have so far.
> <pre>
> class User < ActiveRecord::Base
>   include ActionController::UrlWriter
>   include ActionView::Helpers
>   validate :unique_email_address
> ...
> def unique_email_address
>       if self.class.find_by_email(email)
>         errors.add(:email, "The email address #{email} has already
> been used. Please use a different email address or #{link_to('Sign
> in',login_path)}.")
>       end
>     end
> ...
> end
> </pre>
> Thanks
> --Rob

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