On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Steve Castaneda <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Jamey Cribbs wrote:
>> Sounds like you do not have your associations defined correctly in your
>> model.
>> In your Buyer model you should have this line:
>>     belongs_to :status
>> In your Status model you should have this line:
>>     has_many :buyers
>> HTH,
>> Jamey
> That was it!  Thank you so much.  I was totally getting confused here:
> belongs_to :status vs. has_one :status
> Can you help me understand why it's belongs_to and not has_one?  A
> status is part of a buyer, so I guess I just get confused on the logic.

The big difference between has_one and belongs_to is that ActiveRecord
expects the model that uses the belongs_to to have a foreign key
identifying the associated record in the other table.  So, therefore
you know you need to use a belongs_to in Buyer because that the buyers
table is where you have defined the status_id field.



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