Well, unfortunately untested code is part of reality. Although I have
tried to be good and test all I could I have not followed a
methodology or tool to get things done right the first time and be
more efficient at it and I am sure there are parts of my code that I
missed, reason why I am so interested in BDD.

Ruby and Rails should not be a major problem. Although I am no expert
I can push my way through getting scratched by thorns and everything
else in the process. ;) Although at times painful, I have learned a
lot so far.

Thank you all very much for your ideas and the will to share your


On Feb 1, 8:04 am, Marnen Laibow-Koser <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Ray K. wrote:
> > There are the bddcasts:www.bddcasts.com
> > They do cost money, but they're worth it, so is the rspec book.
> > A word of advice:
> > Learning RoR at the same time with Cucumber and RSpec will require you
> > to fight a very steep learning curve.
> > Very often you will neither know how to test something nor how to
> > implement it. You do get a lot of insight into Rails and you'll learn
> > what every LOC does. But it's also over with easy copy&pasting code,
> > taking chunks from tutorials and all that. This requires for you to
> > really know what you're doing or if you don't - you will have to learn.
> > The quick and dirty solution with BDD doesn't exist. It can be worth it,
> > but it takes long.
> That's absolutely false.  I learned Rails and RSpec at the same time
> (Cucumber didn't exist yet).
>  It was no problem.
> > I would suggest to get your Rails knowledge on a solid foundation first.
> > "Solid" means stuff you really know and can do - not a collage of
> > railscasts.
> > After that BDD won't be that hard.
> No, no, no!  Then you'll be writing untested code, which is worse.
> Definitely don't go for the collage of Railscasts, but don't hold off on
> learning proper testing either.  It's an essential part of programming
> in the 21st century.
> > Hope that helps
> > Ray
> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koserhttp://www.marnen.org
> mar...@marnen.org
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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