You can also do something like Search.find(:all, :select =>
"word", :limit=>3, :order =>"count desc") if you only need the word
column from each record and want to be a little easier on memory.

Also, be careful with the Symbol#to_proc shorthand ( map(&:word) )
with large arrays, as it is pretty CPU-inefficient in Rails from what
I understand.
(check the comments)

Jarin Udom
Robot Mode LLC

On Feb 15, 10:21 pm, Samiron <> wrote:
> Assuming the followings:
>      - Your Search model have a column "word"
>      - @top_search is a array with 3 latest search result, where each
> element have a :word
>      - You want to join words from these 3 search objects
> Then you just can do as following:
>     �',')
> Hope it will work if my assumptions are correct :)
> On Feb 16, 12:01 pm, Greg Ma <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Is it possible to make a "join" on an array of objects?
> > If not, is is possible to return only one column with the find method?
> > #method
> >   def self.top_3_words
> >     Search.find(:all,:limit=>3, :order =>"count desc")
> >   end
> > #View
> > <% if !...@top_search.blank? %>
> >   <%= @top_search.word.join(",") %> ?????????????????
> > <% else %>
> >  <p>No search yet!</p>
> > <% end %>
> > Greg
> > --
> > Posted via

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