Ahh, got the first issue as well. For anyone that's interested, I was
able to get my desired result with:

<% form_for Comment.new, :url =>
category_post_comments_path(:category_id => @category, :post_id =>
@post) do |f| %>

On Feb 16, 2:41 am, Seirie <sei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alright, I figured out the second issue there, I needed to pass in a
> reference to the course in question: <%= link_to
> book_pages_path(@book) %>
> Man I'm losing it, time for bed, lol.
> On Feb 16, 2:24 am, Seirie <sei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hmmm, maybe I'm thinking about this all wrong. It seems like its grown
> > into an even bigger issue now.
> > If I try to access a nested route from it's parent resource, I cant.
> > I'll give you an example:
> > If I try to use <%= link_to book_pages_path %> from a page with the
> > URL of "books/1", I get an error saying:
> > book_pages_url failed to generate from
> > {:action=>"index", :controller=>"pages"} - you may have ambiguous
> > routes, or you may need to supply additional parameters for this
> > route.  content_url has the following required parameters:
> > ["books", :book_id, "pages"] - are they all satisfied?
> > I just don't get it...how am I supposed to create a link for users to
> > go view ALL the pages for a specific book?
> > On Feb 16, 12:31 am, Seirie <sei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Man, I have been trying to figure this one out for hours, hopefully
> > > you guys can clue me in.
> > > Let's so you have three "nested" models, for example: Category -> Post
> > > -> Comment (that is, many comments belong to one post and many posts
> > > belong to one category).
> > > So, in your routing configuration you have:
> > > map.resources :categories do |cat|
> > >     cat.resources :posts, :has_many => :comments
> > > end
> > > The part I cant figure out, is how to write a "form_for" helper so
> > > that the HTML action="" attribute will end up being "categories/1/
> > > posts/1/comments". The farthest I can seem to get is "posts/1/
> > > comments", which, I could proly skate by with, but I'd really like to
> > > get the entire nested route in their. (I've seen that the rails app
> > > "Basecamp" is able to accomplish this, so it has to be possible).
> > > These are a couple of the things I've tried, both result in an error:
> > > -   form_for([:category, @post, Comment.new]) do |f|
> > > -   form_for @post, :url => new_category_post_comment_path do |f|
> > > What am I doing wrong here!? Thanks guys.

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