Case issue: Confirm Password is what is actually on the page?

When I have problems with tools that parse web pages, my first attack
is to load the page in a browser and view the HTML source. It's
usually some silly typo.

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Me <> wrote:
> This may be a bit off topic but when running my cucumber tests for
> clearance, webrat said it cannot find the password confirmation field.
> Could not find field: "Confirm password" (Webrat::NotFoundError)
> (eval):2:in `fill_in'
> ./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:34:in `/^(?:|I )fill in "([^
> \"]*)" with "([^\"]*)"$/'
> features/clearance_features/sign_up.feature:19:in `And I fill in
> "Confirm password" with "password"'
> It find all the other fields on the page but not sure why it cannot
> find this one.  it is there.  Ideas?
> --
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Curtis Cooley
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