Greg Donald wrote:
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 5:04 PM, Marnen Laibow-Koser
> <> wrote:
>> Functional tests and fixtures (which I gather you're using from a later
>> post) are two Rails features that are best avoided entirely.
> Page 224 of Agile Web Development with Rails, 3rd Edition by Dave
> Thomas, DHH, and Sam Ruby seems to disagree with you entirely.

I'm not surprised, given that DHH co-wrote that book.  There are parts 
of Rails that he and the core team simply got wrong architecturally. 
These are among them.

>> Instead of functional tests, use Cucumber features.
>> Instead of fixtures, use factories.
>> Your life will be a lot easier.
> I've tried those and I see no good reason to replace what comes with
> Rails and works great already.  I wouldn't give you two cents for
> Factory Girl, Cucumber, Webrat and the like.  They're all just
> academic masturbation.

Nope!  They're practical tools that improve noticeably on what Rails 
already offers.  I have used fixtures and controller tests, and I know 
that I'm better off now that I've replaced them.

Use what works for you.  But don't claim "academic masturbation" in the 
face of many of us who know it not to be true.

And with that, I'm done, unless you have specific issues with these 
tools that you'd like to discuss.  FUD and innuendo don't do much for 

> --
> Greg Donald
> |

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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