If an active record is returned as a result of a find_by_sql() query,
what must be true in order for it to be save-able?  Here's an example of
it not working:
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_record'
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table(:blurgs, :force => true) {|t| t.string :name }
class Blurg < ActiveRecord::Base

a = Blurg.create(:name => "tic")
p "a.name = #{a.name}"
p "Blurg.count => #{Blurg.count}"

b = Blurg.find_by_sql('SELECT \'tac\' as name')
p "b = #{b}"
p "b.first.name = #{b.first.name}"
p "b.first.save! => #{b.first.save!}"
p "Blurg.count => #{Blurg.count}"
which produces
"a.name = tic"
"Blurg.count => 1"
"b = [#<Blurg name: \"tac\">]"
"b.first.name = tac"
"b.first.save! => true"
"Blurg.count => 1"
So even though b.first has a .name value, calling b.first.save! silently
fails to store it in the database.

Is there a way to detect whether a record can be saved or not?  Or at
least give an error when you try to save it?

- ff
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