On 13 Aug 2010, at 17:34, Bob wrote:

Testing - Cucumber, RSpec, and ApacheBenchmark.  Using Cucumber for
the high-level tests and RSpec for low-level ones and AB for load-
testing.  I was one of the people that learned Ruby and Rails and
ignored the testing features for a long time but I'm on board now and
believe this to be a good testing suite.

I agree, we use RSpec for unit testing, Cucumber + Selenium for integration tests (because our app uses a huge amount of client side javascript)

Fixture-Creation - I am unfamiliar with this outside of rails
fixtures.  I have been told that they aren't the best way to go and
that I should look into Factory Girl or Machinist as a replacement.

Factory Girl is nice, that's what we use. Machinist is certainly just as good. It all depends on what syntax you prefer. They're certainly both better than Rails fixtures.

Version-Control - I currently use SVN, but would be interested in
hearing arguments for learning Git.

Git has several advantages over SVN. Since it's a distributed version control system, you can just commit locally (even when not connected to the net), then push the changes to a central server. Where Git excels over SVN imo is the branching. In SVN branching and merging was a living hell, git just makes it something you use all the time. It's hard to explain why git is so much better, but once you've experienced a few of subversion's annoying quirks and tried out git, you'll never look back. Use either github or gitosis (on your own server) for repo management.

Deployment - Capistrano...is there anything better?

Capistrano has never failed us. There's a few alternatives like Vlad The Deployer and Fabric, but I see no reason to switch from Capistrano.

WebServer - I currently use Apache & Mongrel.  I've heard/read good
things about Passenger and Nginx though.  Is it worth switching to a
Passenger / Nginx solution or maybe some hybrid?

You could also use Apache+Passenger. Nginx is less memory hungry than Apache. What's really nice about Passenger is the smart spawning and you have one (or more if you're using a mongrel cluster) process and possible point of failure to take into account.

Document-Generation - I have used both pdf-writer and prawn for PDFs
in the past.  I have some windows projects that have generated word
and excel docs via win32ole.  I spent a minimal amount of time trying
to generate OpenOffice docs but never had the proper time to devote to
getting it working.

We use PrinceXML for PDF generation, but it's expensive. I know someone who has succesfully created Word documents with OpenOffice, but haven't got any experience doing so myself.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

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