Michael Pavling wrote:
> On 13 August 2010 16:34, Bob <rpell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Version-Control - I currently use SVN, but would be interested in
>> hearing arguments for learning Git.
> SVN is a nightmare when working in teams, remotely, or trying to be
> agile. You can *make* it work, but only because you change your
> behaviour to work the path of least resistance in SVN - not ideal
> Git is better, Mercurial may be better still (a little more
> flexability than Git, but not as wide support);

Really?  I thought Mercurial's alleged simplicity (such as it is -- I 
couldn't understand it when I tried it) was achieved by its being *less* 
flexible than Git and so having fewer options to deal with.

> or if you want to be
> really cutting edge, look at Fossil (http://fossil-scm.org).

How is Fossil cutting-edge?  It just looks like "DVCS for dummies", or 
like a project-management system (with wiki and tracker) that decided to 
implement its own VCS.  I tend to think any DVCS whose stated goal is to 
avoid excessive branching is missing the point.

> Check out www.hginit.com for a very good "from SVN to Mercurial"
> blog/tutorial - but the principles are very similar for Git.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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